piątek, 26 czerwca 2015



Everybody knows Instagram, however, most of us associates it purely and simply with 15-year-olds who upload their photos, not always suitable ones in the network but nothing further from the truth. Instagram can and even should be another communication channel with clients; please do not neglect this community because it is a strong group of receivers who love their web portal above all:)

1. Additional way of communication with a client – people are mostly visual, so give them what they want to look at ,colourful photos of dishes!

2. A source of advertisement – common saying says that we also have our eyes bigger than our stomachs, so give your potential client a possibility of trying dishes in your Instagram.! The chance for this that looking at a photo of another delicious sandwich on your Instagram channel he/she will drop in on your premises is increasing.

3.Informal communication – Instagram, even if it is used for business, provokes to give messages in more informal and casual form so you are approaching your client.

4. Symmetric relations between users – in the face of Instagram we are all equal: Your clients are guests on your Instagram channel and you can be a guest on their ones.

5.You do not have to place only photos of food - you can let yourself give more ease and present life of your company, employees, everyday situations. It will present to your clients a human side of your business.

6.The application is free so it doesn’t charge the budget even of the most thrifty entrepreneurs. Moreover, you can use it offline – of course it is impossible to place a photo on a company channel on Instagram but its editing and recording in the phone memory – it is, indeed.

7.Publishing photos directly on the website on Facebook – last but not least! Facebook has still greater access to a potential client than any other visual channel (maybe except YouTube) and taking into consideration the fact that fanpage on Facebook is also the only Internet showcase of the company, the subject is not to be overestimated.

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